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Resources for Caretakers of TBI Victims

A TBI doesn’t impact just the victim, but their entire support system. That’s why caretakers–the people who help and care for them day-to-day–are so important. But it’s also incredibly difficult. Fortunately, there are resources out there for caretakers to take advantage of in California. According to Brainline, these organizations include:

Brain Injury Association of California (BICAL) - The Brain Injury Association of California (BICAL) offers a range of services, including support groups where caregivers can connect, share experiences, and gain advice. They provide educational workshops and materials tailored to caregivers, covering topics such as understanding TBIs and navigating the healthcare system. Additionally, BICAL advocates for the needs and rights of both individuals with TBIs and their caregivers, striving to enhance access to resources and services.

Casa Colina Centers for Rehabilitation - Casa Colina Centers for Rehabilitation similarly provides caregiver education programs, offering workshops and online resources to educate caregivers about TBIs and strategies for caregiving. They also offer respite care services to give caregivers a break and provide various supportive services, including counseling and access to community resources.

Learning Services - Learning Services operates in both Northern and Southern California, offering caregiver training workshops that focus on practical skills like communication and behavior management. They develop individualized support plans and provide case management services to help caregivers coordinate care and access resources. In Southern California, Learning Services also provides support groups, family education sessions, and networking opportunities to address caregivers' informational, emotional, and practical needs.

Again, being the caregiver for a loved one with a TBI is an incredibly demanding undertaking. However, by using these resources, it can make things a bit easier.
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